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A Word on Western U.S. Residential Real Estate Prices

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First, as you know, we are not realtors or real estate agents, and we respect the work that these individuals within the industry provide. To understand future movements better, we are merely looking at residential real estate prices as an asset class. 

For those considering moving into or out of the greater Western United States, note where the real estate bubbles are and where the real estate bubbles are not. That's the gist of this post.

This document is not an exhaustive list of all real estate price movements or related matters. But instead, it is intended to capture the two macro (big picture) trends that have been moving real estate over the past decade, 

1.) low-interest rates and 

2.) low inventory of homes for sales in recent years. 

Both macro trends are seemingly at their respective inflection points, and it is always at major inflection points that price changes.

If one is going to purchase residential real estate in any one of these local Western US markets right now, be prepared for the time when housing prices decline from current price levels.